NerdBurger 083 - The Eating of Dry Meats

The guys welcome back Josh to discuss creepy ocean dwellers, marshmallow vinyl, iPad-like devices, Glass addiction, space cremation, Craig learns us some forgotten words, Josh reviews and previews some new video games, and the guys all talk new Fall TV!

RSS Feed

It's Canstruction time again! That means we need donations to help feed those in need, via the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Suggested amounts are as follows:

$5 - Cost of that crappy lunch you brought to work.

$10 - Cost of that fattening fast food lunch that you bought in the drive thru.

$25 - Cost of that tube-clogging dinner you bought at that chain restaurant with all the Nazi flair.

$100 - Because you are AWESOME.

$1001 - Because you want your name on our sign above the current 2nd place donor (big-time corporate sponsorship is SOLD OUT).

Final design will be revealed when we build it. Be there or be can-shaped.


American Horror Story sets a personal ratings record. That there two-headed girl is purdy, and she sings!

Don't click here if you have just eaten, or are planning to eat any more today.

It's a "sharknado" in the sense that there are sharks, and in no other sense.

Get your HBO on teh intarwebs! And your CBS, too!

And get Ebola… TV here.

Last year's winning Canstruction entry isn't the only thing that smells like marshmallows (besides marshmallows and things made with marshmallow).

Jay Cutler is winning hearts and minds off the field, because on the field… well.

Google Glass is still a bad idea.

The Apple Store sells this fitness tracker for your dog.

Launch grandpa into space. No, really!

Read this list of forgotten words, then go outside and obambulate tardigradously while maffling up a hugger-mugger with your yoke-mates.

The Walking Dead map we talked about, as compared with actual directions from Atlanta to DC.

Follow the mullet...

Follow the mullet...

This week's alternate episode titles were:

  • Blowing Grandpa Out of Your Nose
  • Pick a Letter
  • UrineChat on the MaffleCast