NerdBurger 106 - The Lost City of Hotlanta

Lisa returns from the Land of Corn to talk X-Files reboot, the London bomb, Amazon douchebaggery, Fargo & Torgo on TV and a volcano in Atlanta, and celebrate World Backup Day. Also, Lisa explains erotic hypnosis and shares more stories from the Ren Faire!

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LAST CALL on our guest Dave's Kickstarter for his game Addictive Alchemy, which is now not only LIVE, it's FUNDED, and the fourth stretch goal HAS BEEN REACHED! So go back it like we did and help everyone get to the next stretch goal! ONLY ONE DAY LEFT!!!

Dave, update your stretch goal image!

Dave, update your stretch goal image!

Check out Lisa's erotic hypnosis blog on Tumblr HERE. It's pretty awesomely NSFW :)

The X-Files are officially back. What the hell took so long??

Giant German WWII bomb found under an old folks home in London.

Yesterday was World Backup Day. You backed everything up didn't y… oh, oops.

Amazon treats it's lowliest employees like crap, long after they've left! And they've given up on the FAA for now and are testing their drones in Canadia, eh.

Coming this season on Fargo, it's Bruce Campbell as… Ronald Reagan?!???

Our goat-like webmaster had a bit part on a recent episode of Elementary.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a volcano! …in Atlanta?!???

No, this has nothing to do with the Final Four (go Wisconsin!).

No, this has nothing to do with the Final Four (go Wisconsin!).

This week's alternate episode titles were:

  • 6 Episodes and a Movie
  • Back Your Shit Up
  • Guess the Fornicators