NerdBurger 206 - Mmm... NerdBurger

This week Curt returns to talk adult amateur hockey, Oscars gift bags, exoplanets, Stephen King, McGinley & Hong, iPhones & Notes, Alexa in court, & robot cars in Atlanta. Plus, Craig makes with the word nerdery & The Simpsons accidentally acknowledge us!

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Hey Hollywood, maybe spend a little more cash on the actual award and a lot more time organizing your envelopes.

Newly discovered solar system has 2 fewer habitable planets than we have total planets (and yes, PLUTO IS A PLANET DAMMIT!).

If Stranger Things is what happens when someone else imagines Steven Spielberg and Stephen King making a show, what happens when real JJ Abrams and real Stephen King do it?

Ted McGinley wants Netflix to reboot his career. Oh, and Happy Days.

Who is James Hong?

While iPhones catch fire at a rate well under the statistical probability for devices with lithium-ion batteries, Samsung is getting ready to resell their returned Note 7's.

Amazon is in court arguing that those sweet nothings you've been whispering to Alexa are protected speech.

Atlanta wasn't invited to participate in real life self-driving car experiments, but they'd love it if your robot cars would come try to kill some people downtown.

And here is the list of words that English needs to adopt pronto. Mmm... grief bacon.

This week's alternate episode titles were:

  • Hey Big Brother
  • Two Knuckles Deep
  • Anal-ogy